
The Rotary Club of Wynnum and Manly commissioned the Quandamooka Jetty-Art to mark fifty years of service to its community (1953 - 2003).

Moreton Bay and its many islands are know to its indigenous inhabitants as Quandamooka. Research shows that people have lived in this area for at least 20 000 years.

Moreton Bay has provided food, employment, recreation and a home for countless generations from the original Quandamooka people to all present-day Australians.

Morton Bay is home to a diversity of animal and plant life and is a wetland site of international significance. The unique and ever-changing geography of the bay creates many different habitats that in turn have led to a remarkable biological diversity. Vast areas are now designated as marine park and are also listed under the United Nations Convention of wetlands of international importiance.

The indigenous population probably never exceeded 5000 and although separate tribal and language groups formed, territorial rights and varying customs were respected. The Southern Bay Islands and much of the mainland were the territory of the Koenpul while the Nunukl clan occupied the northern part of Stradbroke Island with the Nughie people on Morton Island (Moorgumpin).

Even though they had had continual contact with European settlers since the 1820s, The Quandamooka people comprise of an identifiable community that has never cease to exist.

The first European settlers to enter Morton Bay were the crew of the sloop “Norfolk” under the command of Lt Matthew Flinders in 1799 but European settlement did not begin in Wynnum and Manly until 60 years later when Crown went on sale.

The soaring timber sculpture commemorates the original timber jetty built in 1882. It was known as the number two jetty (the number one jetty was at Wynnum). The jetty was built to provide access for land buyers of the new residential sites being subdivided from the existing 20 to 25 hectare blocks.

Before construction of the new railway or a trafficable road from Brisbane town, a boat trip down the river and across the bay was the most reliable method of travel.

A fenced swimming closure and change rooms were added later at the head of the jetty on the northern side and was still in use during the 1950s. In the early 1900s bathing was segregated men and women swam on separate days.