Sam Petherbridge

Marketing Tech Needs Alignment To Business Objectives

Working in media over the past 5 and a half years I have seen many company’s investing in marketing technology. Indeed investment in marketing technology is significant.

Martech is a $122 billion industry that’s growing by 22% year over year; 70% of CMOs are increasing their investments in it.

The investment I have seen has often existed in silos from the rest of the business or based on the tools that were available at the time, not necessarily the businesses objectives or a long term approach. Attracted by the shiny object I have seen marketers fail to define and evaluate the success of the marketing technology, which is characteristic of a bottom-up approach.

Bottom-up approaches often result in tools and data that are misaligned with the business objective or unable to provide relevant insights.

In a recent Harvard Business Review article they explore the importance of aligning marking technology investment to business strategy and moving from a bottom-up to a top-down approach. While there will always be new shiny tools available, it is clear that fewer well-coordinated systems have a greater potential to drive sales up and costs down.

The HBR article by Carl Mela & Brian Cooper is well worth a read for anyone that looks at marketing tech systems.

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